UPDATE: Orders placed between the 4th-31st of March will be sent out latest 2nd of April.

About Me

Hi, thank you for visiting my site! I am a 28 year old artist from Perth, Australia. Graduating with a Bachelor degree in Commerce majoring in Economics and Management, I decided that this path way was not what I wanted to pursue at this point in my life. Instead I wanted to explore my love for drawing and share this with the world. 

My art work can be described as a blend of nature, animals and space to create fantasy realism. My chosen medium is a fine ball point pen on paper which is my favourite medium to work with. This simple tool allows me to explore shape, tone and create detailed pieces of art.

If you would love to follow my art journey you can do this via Instagram where I post regular updates of processes and new art. You can also contact me through any of the links mentioned below :) 

Instagram: @lorraineangelinaa

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Lorraine Angelina Designs